
Friday, May 11, 2012

Dinner with Pamela and Preston

After 20+ years, Pamela and I saw each other again. We initially went to college together, she left to go to college in NM, and were reacquainted in 1991 when I moved to AZ and she happened to be my waitress. We hung out and were the best of buddies. Pamela moved back to Iowa shortly after that. Thanks to Facebook, we were reacquainted again. Preston, her son moved to Chandler, AZ a few months ago and Pamela came here for Mother's Day. She stayed at my house and we had a blast. She is one great gal. We picked up right where we left off so many years ago and I was able to meet Preston. We did a lot and had so much fun. This picture was the first night. We had some better ones from when we went to DC Steakhouse in Chandler. I will post one or two from there.

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