
Sunday, May 15, 2011

Beautiful Tulip card from Laurel

I can't take credit for this pretty card but I wanted to post it for you to see. Isn't it beautiful??? Laurel, my neighbor and friend, made this for me for my birthday. WOW. I love it. I don't know how many of you know this, but purple tulips are my favorite. I love them. When I go back to Iowa, I hope to see them. I'd grow them (or the royal purple climatis) in AZ but they wouldn't hold up in the heat here. : ( I could sit and look at these flowers all day.) It's kind of strange because I don't normally love purple but I sure do love those purple flowers and this card is no different. LOVE it Laurel. Thanks for giving it to me. It's made my card board!!! Isn't the white on white under the main element awesome?

If anyone wants to know how to make the tulip, let me know and I will ask Laurel. All I know is that she used the SU owl punch and some ovals...but that's all I know. The SU top note was used and I cut the center ovals for Laurel using my Cricut and Elegant Edges cartridge.

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