
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Chocolate Chip Banana Bread...Yum!

I made this homemade banana bread with chocolate chips in it today. It smells so good. It's right out of the Better Homes and Gardens cookbook my dad gave me in 1990 for Christmas before I moved to Arizona. The only difference was my addition of the chocolate chips. It's good without them, but sooooooo much better with them. My bananas were almost too ripe so good thing I was home and could use them today. I'm fighting this sinus head cold or something so stayed home. This am, I could barely raise my head it hurt so bad. I must have slept it off so now, all is good. I just need to be healthy again. I'm NOT good at being sick. This may be just what the doctor orderd. lol. I would share it with my friend Helen who also isn't feeling well also, but she doesn't like banana bread.

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